Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tuesdays = Library Time!

Kindergarten students at TIMA have been visiting the library every week since the first week of school. Last week our class checked out books for the first time. You know these things, but you may still have questions about what happens when we go to the library each week. Below you will find some insight into our library routine!

Each Tuesday we walk to the library for our 1 PM story time with Mrs. Laurel. We attend story time with the other Kindergarten class taught by Ms. Morrissette. When we arrive at the library, we follow Mrs. Laurel to the story time room. Each week, Laurel has several stories related to a unifying topic prepared to read to us. After reading these stories, Laurel usually has a related activity for the kids. When story time is finished, one class is able to check out books. This is why we alternate weeks. While one class checks out books, the other class receives a little extra recess on the awesome playground behind the library. When the class checking out books is done, classes walk back together to school.

Occasionally, we will be invited to a special program at the library. Last week, for example, we attended a balloon storytelling event. (Just ask your child about the Shrek balloon... They loved it!) This event was scheduled through the library but performed by Savannah Balloons. We are fortunate to have access to special programs like this at our public library.

After reading this, you might be asking yourself, "How can I help?" There are several things you can do to help make the library experience all it can be for your child.

  1. Please make sure your child has a Live Oak system library card. You will have to go to a library branch to obtain a card. Please send this card to school for us to keep or send it on Tuesdays.
  2. Take your child to the library! You do not have to wait for check-out day for your child to get new books. If your child finishes the book they have, you are free at any time to return it to the library and get a new one!
  3. Remember to send your child's book on check-out day, so they can return it and borrow a new book.
  4. Volunteer! - It would be great if we could have one volunteer on each check-out day. Our next check-out day will be October 1. If you are interested in helping on that library trip, please let me know! I will take the first volunteer due to limited space in the story time room. However, if you aren't the first to volunteer, I will gladly schedule you for the next date that works for you. :)
  5. Read to your child!
I hope you now feel more informed on our Kindergarten library procedures! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Also, feel free to let me know what topics you would like to see posts on in the future!

Mrs. Smith

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