Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lamps, Lanterns, & Lights Preparatory Activities!

Please do not forget to complete the following activities with your child each night this week! These activities will help prepare your child for our new and exciting project on lamps, lanterns, and lights!

Sunday Night: Discuss with your child an experience they have had with lamps or lanterns. It can be anything (shopping for furniture, watching a lava lamp, helping change a light bulb, etc.)
Monday Night: Help your child find a picture of a lamp/lantern to share with the class. (They may bring an actual lamp/lantern if it is an appropriate size for transporting.)
Tuesday Night: Have your child interview members of your household about how they use lamps. Help them record people’s answers.
Wednesday Night: Count the number of lamps in your house with your child. Have your child draw their favorite lamp and discuss its use.
Thursday Night: Brainstorm different types of lamps/lanterns with your child. Discuss their favorite type and have them draw it.

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