Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Stapler Awaits, Ready to Trade Up!

On Friday, our fabulous fourth grade friend Ms. Kehrer traded with me for my fish statue and its bonus items! In exchange, I received this lovely stapler.

I must say, we all share some pretty smart children! The kids immediately suggested that I trade the stapler with myself. Here's the point they offered to support their stance -

"Your stapler is not very good. This one is nice. Trade with yourself and trade your stapler away!"

I must say that was a very compelling argument. These kids are developing all kinds of skills throughout the course of this project! However, that would not be a "trade up", so I'll stick with my stapler (it's pink after all) and offer this one up to trade. Let's make a deal!

Ms. Kehrer eager to offer up her stapler for trading with me!

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