Sunday, August 9, 2015

Rain, Rain, Go Away... But wait! The Kinders want you to stay!

On Friday morning, many of us arrived at school in the rain. At first the students were frustrated because they were wet, but once they settled in, they were fascinated by the rain. Students were crowding around the windows fighting for a good view of the downpour. So we shifted the focus of our morning and shared rainy day stories. Each student illustrated a memory of a rainy day and shared their experience with the class. Check out our stories in the hallway some time when you drop off your child!

By the end of the day Friday, the sun was shining bright outside our window. The kids were amazed at the drastic change. We talked about how plants need both rain and sunshine to survive. Our day was a perfect example of both! We decided to visit the grade-level gardens planted last year to see if the soil was wet, how the plants were doing, and what is currently growing. Students loved connecting rain and sun in this way!

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