Sunday, January 10, 2016

Post Holiday Blog Catch Up - Huc-A-Poos Pictures!

Happy New Year again, everyone! I am trying to catch up on some sharing about events prior to the holidays. There are so many things to recap, so I feel certain I'll miss some, but I hope to hit the highlights.

Our major source of excitement prior to the holiday madness was our restaurant project launch. First, the students studied commercials. We looked at national chain commercials and local Savannah commercials. After finding common elements, the kids divided into groups and made their own commercials for Tybee restaurants. Our commercials covered restaurants from The Crab Shack to Huc-A-Poos to Sunrise and more! If you are interested in seeing your child's commercial, just send an e-mail my way! I feel that's the most secure way to share them. :) Aside from commercials, we had two wonderful guest speakers (Patrick Kelsey and Matt Shoemaker). Look for separate posts on these experiences. Finally, we journeyed to Huc-A-Poos to gain firsthand experience in restaurant by making our own pizzas from scratch. Check out the fun below!

** A huge thanks to the staff at Huc-A-Poos for making this experience possible for our kids! They loved every part of the process!

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